The Business Master (4th Edition)
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FormGen II
Form Generator
(C) 1984-1991 R.MacLean
------|-- | (R)
--| | |------------------
| -----|--- | Association of
| | |-- Shareware
---| O | Professionals
------| | |---------------------
--------- MEMBER
TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________
Welcome to FormGen II Welcome to FormGen II
Quick Start.................2 Quick Start.................2
To Draw a Form............2
Starting the FORM Module..4
Moving the Cursor.........6
Editing a Form............9
Entering Text............10
Block Operations.........13
File Handling............14
Printer Functions........16
Other Functions..........17
Advanced Operations Advanced Operations
Auto Border..............18
Special Characters.......18
Advanced Block Operations19
Text Windows.............21
Running FormGen II Running FormGen II
Cursor Control Keys......25
Drawing Control Keys.....27
Form Text................30
Row/Column Functions.....32
Block Operations.........33
Print Functions..........34
File Handling Functions..35
Environment Functions....36
Methods of Saving Forms..37
Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration
System Requirements.....A-1
To Copy FormGen II......A-1
In Case of Difficulty...A-4
Error Messages Error Messages
Hardware Messages.......B-1
System Messages.........B-2
Warning Messages........B-3
Technical Support.......B-4
Index Index
A WORD ABOUT SHAREWARE ______________________
"Shareware" is a term used to describe a system for distribution of
software. Under the shareware concept, software may be freely copied
and passed along to others, or distributed through bulletin board
systems, etc.
As a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for a
short trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If it does,
you pay the registration fee. By paying the fee, you are granted the
right to retain the software for your use. If the software is not
suitable then you may discard it.
The shareware system provides substantial benefits the computing
community (of which YOU are a member):
1) You get to try out the software BEFORE you buy it so you know
exactly what you're buying.
2) Shareware is substantially less expensive than most commercial
programs. You don't pay for costly marketing programs and fancy
3) You get access to a MUCH broader base of available programs.
Thousands of excellent programs have been written by expert
programmers who would never consider marketing commercially.
Through the concept of shareware, these people their programs
available to the community. Usually, all they ask in return is a
small fee to reward them for the time and effort they've put into
the program.
The system is based entirely on the honor system, and generally works
quite well. (Most people are honest and wouldn't violate the trust
placed in them by the author of the software). Shareware is NOT free
software - the author counts on your integrity. Please register using
the form at the end of this manual.
You are encouraged to copy this software and pass it along to others
who may be interested in using it.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve message
via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
FORMGEN II INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________
WELCOME TO FORMGEN II _____________________
Thank you for purchasing FORMGEN II. Your new package is a complete
form design system which will allow you to design professional quality
forms in minutes.
With FORMGEN II, anyone can create "instant forms" by simply using the
directional keys on the keyboard, adding text, and printing. Your
form can be as simple or as complex as you desire. Forms can be saved
and even merged together to create new forms, or you can choose from a
variety of standard form templates to "build" a form.
An hour invested in browsing through the manual and doing the tutorial
lessons will pay big dividends in the time you can save in the months
and years to come.
The package consists of two main modules:
FORM.EXE - is the form design and layout module. It is used to draw a ________
form using different line densities, type sizes, halftone screens.
FORM-PRT.EXE - is used to print data and form images. ____________
DEFINITIONS ___________
Throughout the manual, the following styles have been used to ensure
The square brackets [ ] indicate individual keys, such as [X], [Alt],
[Ctrl], [1], [F3], [PgUp], etc.
The Return or Enter key is shown as [Enter].
When you are requested to enter something on your keyboard, the type:>
symbol will precede what you are to type:
type:> EXAMPLE [Enter]
FORMGEN II QUICK START GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
QUICK START ___________
For installation instructions, see Appendix A. __________
TO DRAW A FORM ______________
To start the FORM Module:
type:> FORM filename [Enter] ________
HELP ____
[Alt][H] Brings up the HELP screens; any key brings you back.
To Move _______
Cursor movement is controlled with the arrow keys. In normal
operation, the Status Line will indicate Text & Travel mode, in which ___________ _____________
case the cursor can be moved without changing anything on the Form ____
Design Pad. The cursor may also be moved with the mouse. Simply __________
press and hold the left button to pick up the cursor, move it to the
desired location, and then drop it by releasing the button.
To Draw _______
The cursor acts as an electronic pencil which can draw either a single
(narrow) line, double line, or thick line. Use the directional keys
to control cursor movement.
[F1] - for a single line (cursor trace)
[F2] - for a double line (cursor trace)
[Alt][F1]/[F2] - for a horizontal line (automatic)
[Ctrl][F1]/[F2] - for a vertical line (automatic)
To Erase ________
The [F4] Function Key turns the cursor into an eraser (ON/OFF).
To Add Text ___________
Simply type the text where required, or use text windows [Alt][W].
Different text sizes are available by using font control symbols.
Simply place the cursor immediately to the left of the text to be
sized and enter the font control symbol using [Alt][1] for smallest
size through [Alt][6] for largest.
FORMGEN II QUICK START GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
To Center or Justify Text _________________________
The [Alt][C] key combination will center text within two vertical
lines. [Alt][L] will left justify text, [Alt][R] - will right justify
text. Place cursor on line with text to be justified before
performing function.
To Perform Block Operations ___________________________
[Alt][F6] begins and ends block definition. [Alt][F3] copies the
block to the cursor position; [Alt][F4] moves the block to the cursor
position; [Alt][F5] deletes the block from the form; [Alt][F8]
extracts the block to disk; [Alt][A] fills the block with a character
or shading.
To Save a Form ______________
The [F9] Function Key will initiate the save routine. Choose option
(1) for normal form files. You may specify a name of up to eight
characters. To set the data path, use [Alt][P] (see the configuration
information in Appendix A). __________
To Print a Form _______________
The [F10] Function Key will print the form currently on the Form ____
Design Pad. If difficulty is encountered in printing, see Appendix A __________ __________
for details on printer installation and configuration.
To Load a Form ______________
The [Alt][F9] key combination will load a form from your diskette or
hard drive.
IMPORTANT! __________
Review the section on text windows for access to the most powerful
functions of FormGen II.
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
STARTING THE FORM MODULE ________________________
The syntax for starting the FORM module is:
FORM filename /P ________
filename is the optional name of a FORMGEN form to be defined ________
/P is an optional switch which disables hardware port checking
for printing. This will allow the use of the software in
network environments.
/NS is an opitional switch to skip the signon screen.
To begin the creation of a FORMGEN form:
type:> FORM [Enter]
After a brief sign on screen, the Form Design Pad will be displayed. _______________
INDICATORS __________
Below the Form Design Pad, there is a line used by the system to _______________
indicate the various operating modes, display messages and allow
operator input. This is known as the Status Line. ___________
Help ____
This is a reminder that if you need help, typing [Alt][H] will
immediately display the help screens built into FORMGEN.
If at any time during the operation of FORMGEN you require information
concerning the command operations, press [Alt][H]. This will bring up
a series of information screens.
You may use the Page Up [PgUp] or Page Down [PgDn] keys to scroll
through the help screens.
To return to the Form Design Pad, simply press any other key. _______________
Overtype ________
When FORMGEN first starts, overtype mode is active. This means that ________
when text is entered, it will type over (replace) any text currently
on the screen. The converse of this is insert mode. Insert mode will ______ ______
move text to the right to make room for new text that is typed in.
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
Stretch _______
Stretch mode is active when FORMGEN first starts. Stretch allows for _______ _______
the stretching of the form by automatically patching all lines during
a row or column insertion. In circumstances when this is not
desirable, stretch may be turned off. _______
Text & Travel _____________
There are a number of different functions the cursor is used for. To
show what the current purpose (or mode of operation) the cursor is in,
an indicator is displayed. The different modes are:
Text & Travel The cursor may be moved freely on the Form Design _____________ ___________
Pad and text may be entered at its location. ___
DRAW Single Line The cursor can be used to draw single lines as it ________________
is moved on the pad.
DRAW Double Line The cursor may be used to draw double lines as it ________________
is moved on the pad.
DRAW Thick Line The cursor can be used to draw thick lines as it _______________
is moved on the pad.
Duplicate (c) The cursor may be used to draw with a character _____________
(c) - it will leave a trail of (c)'s when it is _ _
Block Define The cursor can be used for defining a block. ____________
ERASE The cursor may be used as an eraser - it will _____
clear anything it finds in a path.
Vert (Vertical Typing Mode) ___________________________
Vertical typing mode, in which the cursor advances down the form
rather than across it, is used to enter titles where it is desirable
to have the characters of the title in a vertical column.
NOTE: This is not a default mode, so it will not show on the status | |
line until selected. | |
Row 1 / Col 1 _________________
This is the cursor position indicator. It shows the position of the
cursor on the Form Design Pad (relative to the upper left corner). _______________
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
It can be set to measure in a number of different increments: inches,
millimeters, picas and printer's points; as well as the row/column
During a block define operation, the measurement is relative to the
upper left corner of the block. This allows you to measure the size
of the block being selected. (Or to measure items or objects on the
For more detail on these see the Reference Guide _______________
MOVING THE CURSOR _________________
The cursor acts as your drawing pencil in FORMGEN. With it, you can
enter text, draw lines, erase mistakes and move things around. Cursor
movement is controlled by a number of keys:
[up][down][right][left] moves the cursor a single unit in the arrow
[F7] moves the cursor to the next word or line to the
[F8] moves the cursor to the next word or line to the
[Home] moves the cursor to the left edge of Form Design ___________
Pad ___
[End] moves the cursor to the right edge of the screen,
then to the right edge of Form Design Pad _______________
[Ctrl][Home] moves the cursor to the upper left corner of the
[Ctrl][End] moves the cursor to the lower left corner of the
[PgUp] moves the cursor one screen up
[PgDn] moves the cursor one screen down
[Ctrl][PgUp] moves the cursor to the top of the Form Design Pad _______________
[Ctrl][PgDn] moves the cursor to the bottom of the Form Design ___________
Pad ___
With a Mouse ____________
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
The cursor may also be moved using a mouse. To do this, simply push
and hold the left mouse button to pick up the cursor, move the mouse
until the cursor is at the desired destination, and release the
DRAWING _______
Line Drawing ____________
The main component of any form is the frame of lines used to segregate
blocks of information. In FORMGEN, the lines are drawn using the
The process is simple. Turn on one of the line drawing functions,
then move the cursor. When it is on, everywhere the cursor moves,
(using the four arrows keys) a line will be left as a trail.
To end drawing, press the key again and the cursor moves about freely
without changing anything on the Form Design Pad. _______________
NOTE: The drawing keys are toggles. That means their functions are | |
toggled ON when they are first pressed, OFF when they're pressed | |
again. | |
Most forms are drawn using only two line densities. These are
indicated on the screen as single or double lines (although they may
print as thick/thin or black/gray). To keep it simple, all line
drawing functions are related to the [F1] and [F2] keys, with [F1]
always used for single lines, [F2] for double lines.
The basic line drawing keys are:
[F1] DRAW Single Line - the cursor will draw a single
line wherever it is moved
[F2] DRAW Double Line - the cursor will draw a double
line wherever it is moved
[Ctrl][F3] DRAW Thick Line - the cursor will draw a VERY
heavy black line wherever it is moved
Horizontal & Vertical Lines ___________________________
To speed the creation of forms, FORMGEN has automatic line draw. When
these functions are invoked, a line will be drawn horizontally or
vertically through the cursor. The line will extend in each direction
until it either hits another line or the edge of the Form Design Pad. _______________
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
These functions are used when you wish to draw a horizontal line
between two vertical lines (or vice versa). Simply place the cursor
on the row (or column) where you wish the line to be drawn.
If insert mode is ON, then FORMGEN will automatically extend the form ___________
by one column or row and draw the new line. In this case, ensure that
stretch mode is also ON or the newly inserted line will extend to the ____________
extreme edges of the Form Design Pad. _______________
The keys for auto line draw are:
[Alt][F1] Horizontal Single Line
[Alt][F2] Horizontal Double Line
[Ctrl][F1] Vertical Single Line
[Ctrl][F2] Vertical Double Line
Drawing with Characters _______________________
In some circumstances, it may be desirable to draw lines of characters
on a form. To allow this, FORMGEN has a special function which picks
up the character under the cursor.
To copy or paint with a character, place the cursor on top of the
character to be copied, press [F3] then move the cursor using the
arrow keys. The Status Line will show Duplicate and indicate the ___________
character which is being duplicated.
Wherever the cursor goes, it will leave a trail of the character it
picked up. Press [F3] again and the cursor returns to Text & Travel _____________
[F3] Draw with character - picks up character under the
cursor and uses it to draw
Erasing _______
If you wish to erase lines or text on the form, this can be done by
simply using the space bar to blank out the space on the form. (This
works in overtype mode only) For erasing lines, it is often more
convenient to toggle the cursor into erase mode and then use it to
erase the lines.
[F4] Erase
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
EDITING A FORM ______________
Edit Modes __________
When editing a form, there are several edit modes which speed the
Overtype/Insert Mode ____________________
Insert mode and overtype mode affect how FORMGEN treats newly entered
text or lines.
When in insert mode, any text typed onto the form will be inserted. ___________
This means that all text to the right of the cursor (up to the next
line character) will be moved to the right.
When in overtype mode, any text entered will type right over existing _____________
text at that position, replacing it completely.
[F5] Overtype/Insert Mode
Insert mode also affects the performance of the Auto Line Draw
function. When Insert mode is active, a new row or new column will be
inserted into the form at the current cursor position prior to the
creation of the new horizontal line or vertical line.
Stretch Mode ____________
When stretch mode is active, all lines will be automatically ____________
``patched'' when a row or column is inserted into the form. This
allows the form to be resized quickly and easily.
[F6] Stretch Mode
Inserting Rows & Columns ________________________
A row or column can be inserted into the body of a form. This will
have the effect of stretching the form, moving everything to the right
or below the insertion point. The keys for this are:
[Ctrl][right] Insert Column at cursor position
[Alt][I] Insert Row At Cursor
NOTE: If the stretch mode is on when this is done, all lines through ____________ | |
the form will be automatically ``patched'' maintaining their | |
continuity. | |
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
Deleting Rows & Columns _______________________
A row or column can be deleted out of the form. This will have the
effect of shrinking the form, moving everything to the right or below
the insertion point. The keys for this are:
[Ctrl][left] Delete Column at cursor position
[Alt][D] Delete Row Under Cursor
NOTE: If the stretch mode is on when this is done, all lines through ____________ | |
the form will be automatically ``patched'' maintaining their | |
continuity. | |
ENTERING TEXT _____________
Adding Text ___________
To add text to your forms there are two methods that FORMGEN can use;
normal entry and text windows. The normal entry mode is described ____________
here, text windows are described in detail in the section Advanced ____________ ________
Operations. __________
In order to put text into a form, the cursor should be in Text & ______ ______
Travel mode, meaning that the cursor is not engaged in drawing, ______
erasing, duplicating or any block operations. The Status Line will ___________
indicate Text & Travel mode. _____________
Simply type the required text right onto the form.
Editing Text ____________
Text may be replaced by typing over existing text on the Form Design ___________
Pad (when overtype mode is active). If you wish to insert text, you ___ _____________
either use the insert mode as described above or use the [Ins] to ___________
insert blanks into the form.
To delete text, use the [Del] key or trace over it while the cursor is
in erase mode. __________
[Ins] inserts a single blank space
[Del] deletes the character under the cursor
Vertical Typing _______________
FORMGEN has a vertical typing mode which allows you to enter text ____________________
vertically. The cursor drops one line down after each letter is
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
entered. This is especially useful in entering numbers for lines or
typing in vertically-arranged boxes.
[Alt][V] toggles vertical typing mode ____________________
Text Sizes __________
FORMGEN allows you to select up to six text sizes or fonts (depending
on your printer's capabilities). There is no limit to the number of
font changes on a single form.
Character sizes are controlled by typing a font control symbol ___________________
immediately in front of the text to be affected.
The font control symbol is created by holding down the [Alt] key and
typing a number from 1 to 6.
A typical example is for an HP laser:
[Alt][1] 6 point symbol =
[Alt][2] 8 point symbol =
[Alt][3] 8 pt bold symbol =
[Alt][4] (Default) 10 pt bold symbol =
[Alt][5] 12 pt bold symbol =
[Alt][6] 14 pt bold symbol =
Font 1 is always the smallest; font 6 is always the largest. When a
font size is not explicitly specified, font 4 will be used.
Other printers will print different fonts or sizes depending on their
capabilities. See Appendix A for more information on printers. __________
When this key combination is entered, the font control symbol appears
at the cursor location. When the print module encounters a font ____
control symbol, it immediately switches to the indicated size. This ______________
size stays in effect until it encounters:
- a line or other special character
- another font control symbol ___________________
- three consecutive blank spaces
For example, if you have a title on your form that you want in the
largest size of print, place the cursor immediately in front of the
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
title. Then type [Alt][6]. The font control symbol appears, marking ___________________
the text for large print.
ie. Departmental Expenses
NOTE: Text begins printing at the location of the font control ____________ | |
symbol. ______ | |
To change the text back to normal, simply delete the font control ____________
symbol. ______
Centering Text ______________
Text may be centered within a cell by placing the cursor in the cell ____ ____
on the same line as the text and pressing [Alt][C].
This will center the text on the screen, but may not have the same
effect on the page. For many printers, manual adjustment will be
[Alt][C] centers text within a cell ____
Center Marker _____________
When you wish to find the midpoint of an empty cell, simply press ____
[Alt][C] and a small diamond () will appear at the midpoint.
The center marker is ``invisible'' to FORMGEN, and will not be printed
or saved. It will vanish when the screen is updated for scrolling,
help, etc.
[Alt][C] marks the center of a cell ____
Left & Right Text Alignment ___________________________
Text may be moved to the left or right sides of a cell in much the
same way as it can be centered. That is, you put the cursor on the
same line as the text (within the cell), and press [Alt][L] for left ____
or [Alt][R] for right.
The text will instantly be moved to the left or right edge of the
cell. ____
[Alt][L] move text to the left end of a cell ____
[Alt][R] move text to the right end of a cell ____
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
BLOCK OPERATIONS ________________
FORMGEN can define and manipulate rectangular areas (blocks) of text
and lines.
There are two parts to any block operation: defining the block area to
be manipulated - and then manipulating it.
Define a Block ______________
Blocks are defined by locking the cursor at the upper left corner, and
then stretching it to the lower right corner.
The steps are:
1) move the cursor to the upper left corner ______
2) press [Alt][F6] to anchor the highlight
3) move the cursor to the lower right corner of the area to be
included in the block
4) press [Alt][F6] again to register the location of the lower right
NOTE: A block definition defines only the screen coordinates for a | |
future block operation. If you make changes which affect the | |
contents of the block coordinates, they will be reflected in any | |
future block operations. | |
Once the block is defined, it may be moved to a new location,
duplicated in another location leaving the original intact, deleted
from the form or saved to the disk.
[Alt][F6] start/end a block definition
Block Copy __________
A previously defined block may be duplicated elsewhere on the form.
The procedure for this is:
1) define the block to be copied
2) move the cursor to the place where the upper left corner of the
block is to be copied to
3) press [Alt][F3]
[Alt][F3] copy a block
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
Delete a Block ______________
A defined block area may be cleared using [Alt][F5]. This is a handy
way to erase a large section of a form.
[Alt][F5] delete a block
USE CAUTION! There is no way to recover a block once it has been | |
deleted. Good practice dictates that you should always save before | |
making large changes to your form. | |
Move a Block ____________
A block may be moved from one location on a form to another using the
block move function.
1) define the block to be moved
2) move the cursor to the place where the upper left corner of the
block is to be moved to
3) press [Alt][F4]
[Alt][F4] copy a block
NOTE: If you wish to move the block again to further reposition it, | |
you MUST DEFINE THE BLOCK AGAIN. The old definition still refers to | |
the original coordinates. | |
FILE HANDLING _____________
File Names __________
When assigning a new name to one of your forms for storage, you may
specify a name of up to 8 characters. You may use letters or numbers,
but punctuation in the name is not allowed.
For standard form files, FORMGEN will automatically assign an
extension (.FRM or .FRX) to the file name. For ASCII files, the
extension will be .TXT.
Loading a Form ______________
To load a form, press [Alt][F9]. The screen will clear and a
directory of all available FORMGEN files will be displayed. Simply
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
type in the name of the desired form and press [Enter]. You do not
need to type the filename extension when prompted for the filename.
[Alt][F9] Load Form
Alternately, you may designate a file to be loaded when you start
FORMGEN by specifying it on the DOS command line:
type:> FORM filename [Enter] ________
NOTE: When loading a form, the incoming file will replace the | |
existing form on the Form Design Pad. _______________ | |
Saving a Form _____________
To save a form on the Form Design Pad, hit the [F9] key. You will be _______________
given two options for saving your file:
(1) Standard File (2) ASCII Text
Forms should always be saved in standard format. This will allow them _______________________________________________
to be retrieved for future revision and printing. You may also save a
second copy in ASCII format if you wish to use the form in another
Next, FORMGEN will show a list of all existing FORMGEN files currently
on the disk. You may select one by typing the first part of its name
no need to type .FRM - it's added automatically), or you may enter a
new name.
[F9] Save Form
Data Path Definition ____________________
At any time you may change or designate the data path for saving and
retrieval by pressing [Alt][P]. It is a good idea to keep your forms
in a separate data directory. See your DOS manual for information on
creating and accessing separate directories. The data path can also
be changed while in the Configuration Module.
[Alt][P] Set Data Path
Clearing the Pad ________________
At any time, the entire Form Design Pad can be cleared so you can _______________
start a fresh form.
FORMGEN II will give you a warning prior to clearing the pad if you
have not yet saved the form. Answer Y to clear, any other key will
cancel the command.
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
[Alt][F7] Clear the Form Design Pad _______________
Copying Files _____________
FORMGEN II saves the frame and text of your form in a file designated
as filename.FRM. If the form uses text windows, a second file ________
containing the window information is also created (filename.FRX). ________
When copying FORMGEN files to another diskette, copy both the .FRM and
the .FRX files:
type:> COPY filename.FR? d: [Enter] ________
PRINTER FUNCTIONS _________________
Printing a Form _______________
To print your form, simply press [F10]. Make sure your printer is
turned on and is on-line.
The Status Line will prompt for the number of copies required. If ___________
more than one copy is required, enter the number and press [Enter].
If only one copy is required, just press [Enter].
If the form does not print properly, check to see that FORMGEN is
properly configured for your printer. We suggest that you carefully
read the section on printers in Appendix A before trying to print. __________
[F10] Print Form
Landscape / Portrait Switch ___________________________
For laser printers, the orientation of the page can be set before
printing. The printer may be toggled between portrait (normal)
printing and landscape (sideways) printing by pressing:
[Alt][S] landscape/portrait toggle
Printer Line Feed _________________
To conveniently advance your printer one line (to assist in setting
form position), you can:
[Alt][N] Line Feed
Printer Form Feed _________________
You may advance your printer to top of form (or eject a partially
printed page.
[Alt][F]; Form Feed
FORMGEN II BASIC OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
OTHER FUNCTIONS _______________
Configuration _____________
The configuration of your copy of FORMGEN can be changed at any time
by calling the configuration module.
This will allow you to set the screen colors, printer type, printer
port and a number of other features.
[Alt][F10] Configuration
Calling DOS ___________
During a FORMGEN session, it may be necessary to temporarily go to
DOS to perform some function. To make this quick and convenient,
FORMGEN has a built in function which allows you to run DOS from
inside FORMGEN.
You can then perform your DOS task and then EXIT back to FORMGEN. The
key sequence for this is:
[Alt][O] Call Operating System (Temporarily)
When you are finished your task, simply:
type:> EXIT [Enter]
and you will be returned to FORMGEN.
NOTE: Do not start any new TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) type | |
programs in this fashion or you will not be able to get back. | |
Quitting ________
To exit FORMGEN and return to the operating system, press:
[Alt][X] Exit FORMGEN
If your form has not been saved, FORMGEN will remind you to save it.
In Case of an Error ___________________
In the case of a program error occurring, FORMGEN will attempt to
rescue your current form on the Form Design Pad to a temporary file _______________
Simply restart FORMGEN II and load in RESCUED to pick up where you
left off.
type:> FORM RESCUED [Enter]
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
ADVANCED OPERATIONS ___________________
The real power of FORMGEN is found in its many advanced features.
These are the things that really give you the power to create first
rate, professional quality forms.
A few minutes spent scanning this section will reward you handsomely
in terms of time saved and results gained.
AUTO BORDER ___________
To save time, you can quickly create border to mark the edges of your
form. This gives your form a nice appearance and also provides limits
for the automatic line drawing feature.
Start the auto border feature:
type:> [Alt][B]
You will be asked whether you want a single or double line.
type:> 1 if you want a single line
- or -
type:> 2 if you want a double line
You will then be prompted for the width and height of the border. The
defaults are set at 80 columns and 60 rows respectively. This size is
suitable for a standard 8½ x 11 form.
If this size is acceptable, just press return for each parameter.
Otherwise enter your desired size.
The system will draw the border as requested, joining any adjacent
lines it finds on the pad in the process.
SPECIAL CHARACTERS __________________
You can use a variety of special form drawing characters with FORMGEN.
These will enhance the flexibility and usefulness of your forms.
Arrowheads __________
Arrow characters can be put on your forms for use in organizational
charts, drawings, and to clarify instructions. With FORMGEN laser
fonts, the arrows are specially designed to match exactly with lines
for a really nice appearance.
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
Both light and heavy arrows are provided to match with single and
double line weights. Arrow characters can be easily selected from the
type:> [Shift][F1] for light arrows
- or -
type:> [Shift][F2] for heavy arrows
A small grid will pop onto the screen showing the arrows available.
Just type the arrow direction of your choice and it will be put on the
Halftone Screens ________________
Three different levels of halftone screens are provided. These can be
used to enhance titles or differentiate form areas, giving your form a
professional look.
Halftones are entered using:
type:> [Alt][7] for a light screen ++
type:> [Alt][8] for a medium screen ++
type:> [Alt][9] for a dark screen ++
By using the Duplicate Character [F3]function, it is easy to pick up
the shading character and paint your form where required. Simply
place the cursor over the newly-created shading block, press [F3] and
paint using the directional arrows.
Text may be printed on top of screens. (See section on text windows.)
Other Special Characters ________________________
A small circle for people filling the form to check off is included in
the FORMGEN symbol set. On dot matrix printers, circles this small
look pretty ragged, so a small box is substituted.
type:> [Alt][0] for a check box or circle
ADVANCED BLOCK OPERATIONS _________________________
Block Extract _____________
A block may be saved in a separate file for later inclusion in another
form. The procedure for this is:
1) define the block area
2) start the extract function
type:> [Alt]F8]
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
3) enter a filename for the extracted block
Each block is treated as a form file, and may be used by FORMGEN as an
independent form or as an ingredient in other forms.
Merging Forms and Blocks ________________________
Forms and saved blocks may be loaded into existing forms using the
block merge function. To merge an external block or form file into a
form on the Form Design Pad: _______________
1) place the cursor at the upper left corner of the area where you ______
want the merged block to go
2) start the block merge function:
type:> [Alt][M]
3) specify the filename for the block file:
type:> filename [Enter] ________
Merged forms are placed into your current form on the Form Design Pad _______________
in Overtype mode, meaning that they will replace any text to the right
and below the cursor position to the depth and width of the file
If you are merging a form containing text windows onto your current
form which also contains text windows and the combined total of the
text windows exceeds the maximum capacity, FORMGEN will not allow the
merge operation to take place.
Area Fill _________
A block area may be instantly filled with any character. This makes
the addition of halftone screens lightning fast.
The FORMGEN block fill function is also intelligent. It will sense
the contents of the block area and fill only blank or previously
shaded areas, leaving text and lines intact.
To invoke the auto fill function:
1) define the block area using the keyboard or mouse
2) type the area fill command
type:> [Alt][A]
3) enter the desired character for the fill (ie. the medium halftone
type:> [Alt][8]
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
The blank spaces of the defined block area will be instantly filled
with the character you specify.
NOTE: You can clear an area of halftone screens by specifying | |
[space] as the fill character. | |
TEXT WINDOWS ____________
Unquestionably, the most powerful capability of FORMGEN lies in the
use of text windows.
Text windows not only allow the ability to place text in very small
areas, but they also significantly reduce the amount of work required
to create and revise a form.
In FORMGEN II, windows are also the key to sophisticated functions
like placing logos and graphic images on your forms.
Some Things You Should Know... ______________________________
At FORMGEN, we invented the principle of text windows to solve some
significant problems inherent with creating forms on PC's:
Firstly, with most monitors in use today, it is impossible to legibly
represent very small proportional type. This meant that to get an
exact representation of a finished form on the screen, most of our
customers would be required to buy expensive hardware upgrades. We
felt that there must be another way to represent very fine print
without the need for extra hardware.
Secondly, in the process of creating a form, lines are moved, cells
change size and shape, and entire blocks are transferred from one
location to another. It was essential that the user not have to
reformat form text each time a change was made.
Lastly, most systems will not allow any more than one character at a
time in any particular screen position. This makes it impossible to
depict things like background halftone screens.
Text windows are the solution to both of these challenges.
What Are Text Windows? ______________________
Text windows are small markers that can be placed on a form that
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
- as much as a paragraph of text
- a tag for a graphics image (like a logo or picture) to be printed on
a form
Text windows give forms a professional appearance. This is because
the text is proportionally spaced both horizontally and vertically! - _________________________________
Just like professional typesetting!
Text windows also allow text to be printed over top of background
halftone screens.
Text windows speed form creation. Because text is formatted at print
time, you never have to manually reformat text to fit a newly changed
form. At print time, all words are automatically ``wrapped''. - Just
like a word processor.
Text windows enhance form accuracy. Not only can an entire paragraph
be moved or duplicated as a single unit, but you'll never accidentally
break text in another part of the form when you insert a new row or
Text windows allow use of older screen types. Even though standard
monitors can only shown 10 characters in a one inch form space, with
text windows, any number of characters can be stored in the same
Creating Windows ________________
To open a text window, place the cursor at the position where you
would like the text to begin, and:
type:> [Alt][W]
A small blinking window marker () will immediately appear at the _____________
cursor position. At the same time, a menu will pop up, giving you a
choice of sizes for the window text.
Choose the desired size by typing a number from 1 to 7.
The size menu will disappear, and the text window itself will pop up.
You may enter text directly into the window, using the arrows keys to
move the cursor for corrections.
When you hit [Enter], the window will disappear and the window marker _____________
will stop blinking. The text you entered has now been stored in the
window marker. _____________
The entire text stored in the window marker may be moved or copied as _____________
a unit.
When the form is printed, the text in the window will be expanded to
suit the space on the form. The text will be (by default) left
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
aligned to the position of the window marker. The right edge will _____________
follow the contour of the cell. Words that will not fit will be ____
carried to the next line.
Editing a Text Window _____________________
A text window may be opened at any time to edit the text inside.
Simply place the cursor on the window marker and: _____________
type:> [Alt][W]
Both the text size menu and the text window will instantly pop onto
the screen. You may change the text size (or just leave it by
pressing [Enter]). The size menu disappears, leaving the text window
for editing. The following keys are active for window editing:
[up][down][right][left] for moving the cursor in the window
[Ins] inserts a blank space at the cursor position
[Del] deletes the character under the cursor
[Home] moves the cursor to the beginning of the current
[End] moves the cursor to the end of the text, or to the
right end of the current line
[Bksp] backspaces the cursor, deleting the character to
the left of the cursor
[Enter] closes the window, saving any changes
[Esc] abandons changes to the window text and closes the
Moving a Text Window ____________________
A text window may be moved on the form just like ordinary text. You
put the cursor to the left of it on the same line and use [Ins] or
[Del] to insert or delete spaces in front of the window.
The window marker may also be selected in a block and moved or copied _____________
to a new location.
Deleting a Text Window ______________________
In normal usage, FORMGEN will not allow a line to be drawn or text
entered on top of a text window. This is to protect the contents of
the text window.
FORMGEN II ADVANCED OPERATION ______________________________________________________________________
To delete a text window, place the cursor directly on the window ______
marker and press [Del]. ______
Background Halftones ____________________
Window text will print right over top of background halftone screens.
This enhances the look of forms you design.
To put a background screen on your form, simply use the area fill
function. Any text windows in the block area will automatically print
over the halftone screen.
A Note on Printing Text Windows _______________________________
Windows are formatted to suit the space available on the form at the
time it is printed. The window format logic notes the position of the
window marker and uses this for a left reference. _____________
It then senses the amount of space available to the right of the
window marker. This is calculated by looking for a line or text
character. The text contained in the window is formatted for this
space, with full words being carried to the next line.
This process repeats until either all the text is printed, or a
character is discovered directly below the text window.
Window Memory _____________
There is a limit to the number of windows that can be used on a form.
This limit is determined solely by the amount of system memory
available to FORMGEN.
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
RUNNING FORMGEN II __________________
The command to run FORMGEN II is:
FORM filename /P ________
FORM-PRT filename /P ________
/P is an optional switch which disables hardware port checking
for printing. This will allow the use of the software in
network environments.
/NS is an opitional switch to skip the signon screen.
CURSOR CONTROL KEYS ___________________
Move Cursor ___________
The four arrow keys move the cursor around the Form Design Pad. _______________
With a mouse, the cursor can also be moved (within the boundaries of ____________
the screen) by holding the left button of the mouse down and dragging
it to the desired location. This can be very handy as the cursor does
not draw when being moved with the mouse (regardless of mode), so it
can be moved from one location to another without the necessity of
disabling and re-enabling a drawing mode.
Carriage Return _______________
The [Enter] key will move the cursor down one line and then to the
left until it encounters a non-blank character position. This will
allow the entry of text into block areas defined on the Form Design ___________
Pad. ___
TAB Right / TAB Left ____________________
Tab stops are set every eight columns across the Form Design Pad. _______________
Pressing these keys will advance the cursor across the pad to the
right (or left) until it reaches the next tab stop.
Left Edge of Pad ________________
This key will move the cursor to the left side of the Form Design Pad. _______________
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
Right Edge of Pad _________________
This key will move the cursor first to column 80 (if the current
cursor position is between column 1 and 79), then upon pressing [End]
again, the cursor will move to the extreme right side of the Form ____
Design Pad. __________
Top of Screen _____________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [Home] will move the cursor to
the upper left corner of the current screen.
Bottom of Screen ________________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [End] will move the cursor to
the lower left corner of the current screen.
Top of Pad __________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [PgUp] will move the cursor to
the upper left corner of the Form Design Pad. _______________
Bottom of Pad _____________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [PgDn] will move the cursor to
the lower left corner of the Form Design Pad. _______________
Word Left _________
Pressing [F7] will cause the cursor to jump to the next word (or other
non-blank item) to the left.
Word Right __________
Pressing [F8] will cause the cursor to jump to the next word (or other
non-blank item) to the right.
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
DRAWING CONTROL KEYS ____________________
DRAW Single Line ________________
Pressing this key will cause the cursor to draw a single line on the
screen. When pressed, a notation indicating DRAW - Single Line will
appear on the command line. As long as the cursor is in this mode, it
can be moved about the Form Design Pad, drawing a single line wherever _______________
it goes. To stop the cursor from drawing, select [F1] again, or
change to another mode using [F2], [F3] or [F4].
DRAW Double Line ________________
Pressing this key will cause the cursor to draw a double line on the
screen. When pressed, a notation indicating DRAW - Double Line will
appear on the command line. As long as the cursor is in this mode, it
can be moved about the Form Design Pad, drawing a double line wherever _______________
it goes. To stop the cursor from drawing, select [F2] again, or
change to another mode using [F1], [F3] or [F4].
DRAW Thick Line _______________
Pressing this key will cause the cursor to draw a thick solid line on
the screen. When pressed, a notation indicating DRAW - Thick Line
will appear on the Status Line. As long as the cursor is in this ___________
mode, it can be moved about the Form Design Pad, drawing a thick line _______________
wherever it goes. To stop the cursor from drawing, select [Ctrl][F3]
again, or change to another mode using [F1], [F2], [F3] or [F4].
Duplicate Character ___________________
Pressing this key will cause the cursor to leave behind a trail of
whatever character was under the cursor at the time it was pressed.
(For example if a * was under the cursor at the time the [F3] key was
pressed, a trail of asterisks will be drawn on the screen when the
cursor is moved.) The Status Line will indicate Duplicate (*). As ___________
long as the cursor is in this mode, it can be moved about the Form ____
Design Pad, duplicating the character wherever it goes. To stop the __________
cursor from duplicating, press the [F3] key again or any of the other
active modes - [F1], [F2], [F4] or [Ctrl][F3].
Erase _____
Pressing this key will put the cursor in ERASE mode. While in this
mode, the cursor will erase whatever it passes over while being moved
around on the Form Design Pad. When pressed, a notation indicating _______________
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
this mode will appear on the command line. To stop the cursor from
erasing, press the [F4] key again, or select one of the other drawing
mode keys. ([F1],[F2],[F3],[Ctrl][F3])
Auto Line Draw: Horizontal Single Line ______________________________________
This is a quick and easy way to draw a single horizontal line at the
cursor position. The specific action is determined by the current
FORMGEN II settings as follows:
1) The contents on either side of the cursor are sensed and the
horizontal line is drawn only to the extent that it finds a non-
blank character.
2) If Stretch mode is active, any vertical lines through which the
new line passes are patched.
3) If Insert mode is active, a new blank line is inserted at the
current row.
Auto Line Draw: Horizontal Double Line ______________________________________
This is a quick and easy way to draw a thick horizontal line at the
cursor position. The specific action is determined by the same
parameters as for Insert Single Line.
Auto Line Draw: Vertical Single Line ____________________________________
This is a quick and easy way to draw a vertical single line at the
cursor position. The specific action is determined by the current
FORMGEN II settings as follows:
1) The contents above and below the cursor are sensed and the
vertical line is drawn only to the extent that it finds a non-
blank character.
2) If Stretch mode is active, any horizontal lines through which the
new vertical line passes are patched.
3) If Insert mode is active, a new blank column is inserted at the
current column position, shifting the form to the left one column.
Auto Line Draw: Vertical Double Line ____________________________________
This is a quick and easy way to draw a double vertical line at the
cursor position. The specific action is determined by the same
parameters as for Insert Vertical Single Line.
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
Auto Border ___________
To create a perimeter border for your form, press [Alt][B] and
complete the prompt questions:
1 = single line border
2 = double line border
First Number = columns wide, 80 = default (for standard 8½ x 11);
maximum is 170
Second Number = rows deep, 60 = default (for standard 8½ x 11);
maximum is 102.
Delete Character ________________
This key is used to delete the character which is currently under the
cursor. All characters to the right of the cursor (within the cell)
will be shifted to the left by one position.
Backspace _________
The [Bksp] key will delete the character to the left of the cursor.
The character under the cursor (and all characters to the right of it
in the cell) will be shifted one position to the left.
Insert Space ____________
This key is used to insert a blank space at the current cursor
position. The character under the cursor and all characters to the
right of it (in the cell) will be shifted to the right by one
position. The right most character will be lost.
Insert Mode Toggle __________________
This key toggles between Insert and Overtype modes. When Insert is
active, characters to the right of the cursor (in the cell) will be
moved to the right to make room for new text as it is entered. When
Overtype is active, newly entered text will be written right over any
old text under the cursor. This toggle also has an impact on the
horizontal line drawing functions previously described. [Alt][F1] &
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
Cursor Position Indicator _________________________
The indicator on the Status Line that shows the position of the cursor ___________
as it is moved throughout the Form Design Pad can be toggled to _______________
display five different protocols: Row & Column, Inches, Millimeters,
Picas and Printer Points. Pressing [Alt][Q] cycles among the choices.
During Block Define, the indicator is referenced to the upper left
corner of the block, and so, measures the size of the block. This is
handy for measuring areas on the form.
FORM TEXT _________
Text material may be entered directly onto the pad simply by typing it
at the desired position. The font that will be used will be the
standard font for the configured printer.
Vertical Text _____________
FORMGEN II allows you to enter text vertically, meaning that after
every character entered, the cursor drops one line down and places the
next character directly beneath the previous one. [Alt][V] Toggles
Normal/Vertical Typing. The Status Line will indicate Vert. ___________
Set Text Size _____________
[Alt][1] - [Alt][6]
Other fonts can be selected by preceding the text with a font control ____________
symbol. The six available font control symbols are generated by ______ ____________________
typing [Alt][1] through [Alt][6] (smallest to largest).
During printing, the print module will select the appropriate font
from the resident printer fonts whenever it encounters a Font Control
Symbol. The new font will be active until the module finds: three
consecutive blanks, a line or shading character, or another Font
Control Symbol. Download your printer fonts (for laser printers only)
before using FORMGEN II.
Check Circle ____________
[Alt][0] (zero) produces a check circle (∙) or box on your FORMGEN II
form. Depending on your printer, the check circle will either print
as a box or as a circle.
Arrow Characters ________________
A number of special arrow characters are available for use on your
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
The codes for these characters are:
[Alt] 16 [Alt] 26 [Alt] 29
[Alt] 17 [Alt] 27
[Alt] 30 [Alt] 24 [Alt] 18
[Alt] 31 [Alt] 25
To get these characters on your form, hold down the [Alt] key, type
the code using the numeric keypad, and release the [Alt] key. ________________________
Halftone Screens ________________
Three background shading characters are available: light, medium and
Center Function _______________
This combination will automatically center any text in the cell with
the region of the cursor. Upon receiving this command, FORMGEN II
locates the first line type characters either side of the cursor.
These become the boundaries of the cell. If there is text within the
cell, it is centered.
If there is no text within the cell, FORMGEN II measures the width of
the cell and places the marker () at the cell's mid-point. The
marker is for visual use and will not be printed, or saved with the
form. It should be noted that the center marker will disappear if the
operator changes screens (i.e., with [PgDn]) and then returns.
To find the center point of a blank line simply move the cursor to the
second character position and activate the command and the center
marker will appear at the center of the line.
Left & Right Text Justification _______________________________
[Alt][L] and [Alt][R]
These keys justify text within cells (see Center Text, above)
respectively to the Left and to the Right. Place cursor on line of
text within cell before justifying.
Text Windows ____________
Typing the [Alt][W] key combination causes a text window to pop onto
the screen. If the cursor was positioned over an existing text
window, its contents are displayed for editing. Otherwise, a new
window is created.
As the window is opened, a prompt appears on the Status Line ___________
requesting the definition (or confirmation) of the font to be used
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
when printing the contents of the window. A selection from 1 to 6 may
be entered corresponding to the fonts shown in the on-screen font
table. These fonts are directly linked to the printer for which
FORMGEN II is configured.
The text within the window will use the position of the window symbol
on your form as its left vertical margin, and will follow the contours
of the nearest vertical line to the right of the window symbol for the
right text margin.
Deleting Text Windows _____________________
Text windows are deleted by placing the cursor on top of the window
symbol and pressing the [Del] key once. Text windows may also be
deleted during a column delete or row delete activity if the window is
located on the same column or row as the cursor when the delete
function is initiated.
Moving and Copying Text Windows ________________________________
Text Windows may be moved by two methods:
1) Dragging the window by positioning the cursor on the same line as
the window and using the [Del] or [Ins] key to reposition the
window symbol;
2) By using the Block Move or Block Copy operation: place cursor on
top of window symbol, press [Alt][F6] TWICE, move cursor to
location where you wish window to be positioned (or copied), and
press [Alt][F3] to copy the window (leaving original window
intact) or [Alt][F4] to move the window from its current position
to the new position. [Alt][F5] will delete the window.
ROW/COLUMN FUNCTIONS ____________________
Insert Row __________
Holding the [Alt] key while pressing [I] will insert a new row at the
position of the cursor. The row the cursor is on, and all subsequent
rows, will be moved down one position. Any text or lines on the 102nd
row will be lost. (See also Stretch Function.)
Delete Row __________
Holding the [Alt] key while pressing [D] will delete the row which is
currently under the cursor. All subsequent rows will be moved up by
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
Insert Column _____________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [right] will insert a new
vertical column at the position of the cursor. The text and graphics
in the column under the cursor, and everything to the right of it,
will be shifted one position to the right. The contents of column 170
will be lost. (See also Stretch Function).
Delete Column _____________
Holding the [Ctrl] key while pressing [left] will delete the column
which is currently under the cursor. All text and graphics to the
right of the cursor will be shifted one position to the left.
Stretch Mode Toggle ___________________
This key toggles the Stretch mode on and off. When Stretch is
enabled, lines in the form will be patched whenever a new line or
column is inserted in the form. The state of this mode will be
indicated on the command line.
BLOCK OPERATIONS ________________
Define Block ____________
Pressing this combination will allow the definition of a block for
subsequent copy, move, fill, delete or extract operations. Move the
cursor to the upper left corner of the intended block and then press
the [Alt][F6] combination. Once this is done, FORMGEN is in block
define mode and the only keys allowed are the four arrow keys. As the
cursor is moved down or to the right, the block will be highlighted.
When the complete block area is defined, pressing [Alt][F6] again will
complete the definition and eliminate the highlight.
At this point, FORMGEN remembers the coordinates of the defined source
block area and is ready to copy, move, fill, delete or extract the
Copy Block __________
Once a block has been defined, it can be duplicated elsewhere in the
form by moving the cursor to the upper left corner of the destination
area and pressing [Alt][F3].
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
Move Block __________
Once a block has been defined, it can be moved elsewhere in the form
by moving the cursor to the upper left corner of the destination area
and pressing [Alt][F4].
Delete Block ____________
Delete Block the defined block area can be cleared or deleted by
pressing the [Alt][F5] combination.
Extract Block _____________
The defined block can be saved in a file for later use as a stand-
alone form, or can be merged into another form.
Auto Fill _________
The defined block may be filled with any character, including special
shading characters by pressing the [Alt][A] combination. A prompt for
the character used for fill appears when the keys are pressed. Enter
the fill character or special character (shading, for instance, would
be [ALT][7]) with which you would like to fill the block. The
characters will fill only the areas which are blank or halftones, and
will not overwrite lines, text or text windows within the defined
Merge Block ___________
Merge Block and Merge File are the same operation. Place the cursor
in position that will represent the upper left corner of the merged
block within your form. Press [Alt][M], enter the filename of the
block to merge, and press [Enter]. The block will be imported from
disk onto your current form at the cursor position.
PRINT FUNCTIONS _______________
Print Form __________
This will print the custom designed form. Configure FORMGEN II for
your printer prior to activating the print module. FORMGEN II prompts
for the number of printed copies when [F10] is pressed; default is 1
copy when [Enter] is pressed.
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
If more than one copy is required, enter the number of copies at the
prompt and press [Enter].
Line Feed _________
This will cause the printer to feed the paper up one line. This
function is not available on Laser printers.
Form Feed _________
Causes the printer to eject the current page, moving to the top of the
Landscape/Portrait Switch _________________________
This causes laser printers to change the print orientation between
landscape (sideways) and portrait (normal).
FILE HANDLING FUNCTIONS _______________________
Save Form _________
Pressing this key will save a copy of the form that is on the Form ____
Design Pad onto the diskette. Once saved, the forms can be recalled __________
for modification or printing at any time. For FORMGEN II data files,
there is no need to type .FRM at the end of the file name as FORMGEN
II will automatically add it.
When Copying Form Files _______________________
If, in your form, you have used text windows, then FORMGEN II will
save your form using two files: an .frm file for the drawn and normal
inserted text portion, and an .FRX file for the text window
information. When copying your files to another location using DOS or
another utility copy program, use the wild card character (?) to
transfer both files.
type:> COPY filename.FR? B: [Enter] ________
If both types of files are not copied, your form will not print
Load Form _________
This Function will load a previously saved form design from the
diskette into memory for modification or printing. FORMGEN II will
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
ask for the name of the form. There is no need to type .FRM at the
end of the file name as FORMGEN II will automatically add it. FORMGEN
II will also load any associated .FRX window files.
Merge File __________
Loads an existing form onto the pad at the current cursor position.
See Merge Block under Block Operations.
Set Data Path _____________
Allows the definition of a path to a separate directory for the
storage of forms created with FORMGEN II. This definition is
automatically stored and will be remembered from session to session.
ENVIRONMENT FUNCTIONS _____________________
Help ____
Help regarding FORMGEN II keys is displayed by pressing the [Alt][H]
keys. FORMGEN II will display a complete list of useful function keys
grouped according to function. This feature provides ready reference
to all FORMGEN II functions.
Clear Pad _________
Pressing this key will completely CLEAR THE FORM CURRENTLY IN MEMORY.
FORMGEN II has a safety feature built in to eliminate accidental loss
of unsaved forms. It will ask for confirmation before clearing the
current form. Enter Y(es) to clear or N(o) to cancel the command.
Exit ____
This is used to exit FORMGEN II. If the current form has not been
saved, FORMGEN II will ask for confirmation before abandoning it.
Call Operating System _____________________
At any time, DOS can be called from within FORMGEN II so that other
programs can be run, files can be moved, a diskette formatted, etc.
When the [Alt][O] combination is pressed, the screen is cleared and
the DOS prompt appears. At this point, all DOS functions are
available and other programs may be run (subject to available memory).
FORMGEN II REFERENCE GUIDE ______________________________________________________________________
To return to FORMGEN II, simply type EXIT at the DOS prompt.
Configuration Module ____________________
Pressing this combination will load the FORMGEN II configuration
module. This will allow the definition of:
- video type
- screen colors
- default data directory
- output port or file
- printer type
- printer carriage width
- define the fonts for your forms
(see Appendix A for more detail) __________
METHODS OF SAVING FORMS _______________________
When the [F9] key is pressed, a menu similar to that below will be
displayed on the bottom line of the screen:
Save File Type: [1]-Standard [2]-ASCII Text
[1] Standard ____________
This is the standard and recommended method of saving forms for future
modification and printing with FORMGEN II. The form may be given any
eight character filename. If desired, a three character extension may
be specified. If no extension is given, FORMGEN II will attach the
suffix .FRM to the end of the filename. (ie. a file given the name
SAMPLE would be saved as SAMPLE.FRM)
If a file name is selected that is already on the data diskette
FORMGEN II will produce a warning and ask if it is to be overwritten.
Overwrite will replace the old copy of the form with the new copy.
Choose Y (Yes) to complete this function. If the old form is not to
be overwritten (and lost), select N (No).
[2] ASCII Text ______________
This option will save the form as a standard ASCII text file, complete
with carriage returns. This method of saving forms can be used to
make them available for use with other programs, for creating screens
for BASIC, etc. If no file extension is specified, FORMGEN II will
attach the extension .TXT to the end of the file name.
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ______________________________
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ___________________
1) FORMGEN II will operate on IBM and Tandy compatible PC's with a
minimum of 384K of RAM (512K recommended). The system requires
PC/MS-DOS 3.2 or higher.
2) FORMGEN II forms can be displayed on all monitor types.
3) FORMGEN II supports printers which emulate Hewlett-Packard
LaserJet, IBM, Epson, or Tandy printer protocols.
TO COPY FORMGEN II __________________
Follow the instructions carefully, step-by-step to ensure everything
comes together correctly.
To Copy to a Hard Disk: _______________________
1) Put Disk #1 in the A: drive.
2) Copy the program files:
type:> COPY A:*.* [Enter]
3) Put the second disk (if any) in the A: drive.
4) Copy the program files:
type:> COPY A:*.* [Enter]
5) Go to the section on Configuration.
To Make a Working Program Master Diskette _________________________________________
(For 3½" and 5¼" Diskette Systems) __________________________________
For 3½" Disk Systems: _____________________
1) Place a copy of DOS in Drive A: and a new blank diskette in Drive
B. Format the new diskette:
type:> FORMAT B: [Enter]
2) Copy a file called COMMAND.COM onto the newly formatted diskette:
type:> COPY COMMAND.COM B: [Enter]
3) Remove the DOS diskette from Drive A: and replace it with your
FORMGEN II Program diskette.
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
4) Copy all files contained on the FormGen II diskette onto the newly
type:> COPY *.* B: [Enter]
For 5¼" Disk Systems: _____________________
1) Place a copy of DOS in Drive A: and a new blank diskette in Drive
B. Format the new diskette:
type:> FORMAT B: [Enter]
2) Remove the disk from B: and replace it with another new blank
diskette. Format the second diskette:
type:> FORMAT B: [Enter]
3) Copy a file called COMMAND.COM onto the newly formatted diskette:
type:> COPY COMMAND.COM B: [Enter]
4) Remove your DOS system diskette and replace it with the original
FormGen II Program diskette in Drive A: Leave your newly-
formatted diskette in Drive B:
5) Copy all files contained on the FormGen II diskette onto the newly
type:> COPY FORM*.* B: [Enter]
6) Copy the appropriate printer driver file (.DRV) to your working
7) Go to the section on Configuration.
CONFIGURATION _____________
Start the FormGen configuration module:
type:> FORM-CFG [Enter]
Select Video Type _________________
This function allows the quick selection of the default screen color
set which best suits the video card/monitor combination of the system.
The available choices are:
Monochrome - for a system with a TTL monitor such as the IBM
Monochrome monitor or which use the Hercules Graphics Card.
Black & White - for a system equipped with a color graphics card or
equivalent used in combination with a composite monochrome monitor.
Color - for a system with a Color, EGA or VGA type monitor.
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
COMPAQ - for a COMPAQ system that uses continuous gray scales instead
of colors with a monochrome monitor.
Set Screen Colors _________________
This function displays all possible color combinations on the screen
in a grid that indicates the component foreground and background
colors. Selections for each of the different screen functions can be
made to suit your taste, and will be stored for program operation.
Set Data Path _____________
This sets the directory where FORMGEN II will store form data files.
If you want to store your forms in the same directory as the program
files, you may just enter a period (.).
Set Output Device _________________
This function allows the selection of a port or disk file for printed
output. FormGen II knows what your system has and indicates only what
is actually available.
LPT1: For printer port # 1 (Most systems select this port)
COM1: For communications port #1 or serial printer
DISK FILE - to save disk images on disk
Select Printer Type ___________________
This displays the currently supported printer types. Select your
printer from this list by stepping the cursor down the list.
In most cases, there are more printer types than will fit the screen.
If you don't see your printer listed, try moving the cursor below the
last printer listed. This will cause the list to scroll upward
displaying more choices.
Set Carriage Width __________________
This function allows definition of the normal print width of the
system's printer. Once defined, FORMGEN II will break any form wider
than the carriage and print it in a format that will allow later
``paste-up'' of the form.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your printer is a narrow (8.5") carriage dot | |
matrix type, you MUST select the 79 column width. Otherwise, your ____ | |
forms will have periodic gaps in them when printed. | |
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
If a suitable driver is not available, or if you would like to extend
the capabilities of and existing driver to better suit your printer,
there is a printer driver editing utility included on the last disk of
your set (DRV.EXE). Documentation is also included on the last disk
Set Screen Speed ________________
For fastest possible performance, FORMGEN II can write directly to the
video RAM. With some earlier systems, this may cause ``interference''
on the video display, resulting in a small blizzard every time the
screen is updated. If this is a problem, set this option to No.
Exit ____
Type [Alt][X] to leave the Configuration module. When you exit, all
setting will be stored automatically.
IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY _____________________
Registered users can call our Technical Support Line at (416) 857-
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
ERROR MESSAGES ______________
All FORMGEN II warning messages are numbered so that a full
explanation of the message can be found in this table.
HARDWARE MESSAGES _________________
Error 5 - DOS/Internal Error ____________________________
This error usually occurs when a version of DOS lower than 3.2 is used
or when the system cannot find COMMAND.COM.
Error 24 - Device Timeout _________________________
FORMGEN II is not getting a response from the disk or printer. Make
sure the device is turned on and ready, and that the port
configuration is correct.
This is common when printing multiple copies on a laser printer.
Press any key to return to FORMGEN II when the printer has completed
Error 25 - Device Fault _______________________
A peripheral hardware error has been encountered. Check all cables,
interface cards, status indicators, power connections, and operational
readiness of the piece of hardware in question.
Error 27 - Out of Paper _______________________
The printer is out of paper or the printer is not turned on.
Error 61 - Disk Full ____________________
There is no more room on your disk. Insert another disk which has
room for your form (most forms require around 10K of space), or
temporarily exit to DOS [ALT-O], remove some non-essential files from
your disk, and then return to FORMGEN II by typing EXIT at the DOS
prompt. Now you can save your form.
Error 68 - Device Unavailable _____________________________
Either the printer is off-line or unavailable to the system as
currently requested.
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
Error 70 - Disk Write Protected _______________________________
The diskette or file has been physically or electronically protected
so that new information cannot be entered onto the existing diskette
or file.
Error 71 - Disk Not Ready _________________________
The computer senses that the disk drive is either not available or it
is not in contact with the surface of the diskette (probably due to an
improperly closed drive door). If removing and reloading the diskette
back into the drive will not cure the problem, check to make sure that
all connections to the drive are tight.
Error 72 - Media Error ______________________
Generally this indicates a physical or magnetic defect on the disk.
Error 91 - Printer Not Connected ________________________________
The computer senses that the printer is not available at the output
port. Check that you have selected the proper output port and that
your printer is connected properly to the port. Check all cables to
the printer. Turn printer on and ensure that the ``On-Line'' status
light is lit.
Error 92 - Printer Not Turned On ________________________________
The printer power is off. Turn the printer on and ensure that the
``On-Line'' status light is lit.
Error 93 - Printer Not On Line ______________________________
The printer is off-line. Turn the printer on and ensure that the
``On-Line'' status light is lit.
Error 99 Printer Not Ready ___________________________
The printer is off-line or the power is off. Turn the printer on and
ensure that the ``On-Line'' status light is lit. Try the print
routine again. If the error continues to appear, check that you have
selected the proper output port and that your printer is connected
properly to the port. Check all cables to the printer.
SYSTEM MESSAGES _______________
Errors 301, 302, 303, 306 - File XXXX.XXX Missing _________________________________________________
A file required by FormGen II is missing. The program will not be
able to run.
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
Errors 304 - File XXXX.HLP Not Available ________________________________________
FORMGEN II can't find the help file. The help function will not be
Error 305 Warning! File print.drv Not Found ____________________________________________
FORMGEN II can't locate the print driver specified in the
configuration program. Go to the configuration module [Alt][F10] and
re-select the printer type from the list of available types.
Error 311 - COMMAND.COM must be present _______________________________________
FORMGEN II can't locate COMMAND.COM. This is common when installed in
a network environment. Call FormGen to obtain a network license and
station kits which will eliminate this problem.
Error 312 - FORM-PRT.EXE Not Found __________________________________
The print module is missing.
Error 313 - Module Missing __________________________
A module required for proper operation is missing. Re-install the
Error 321 - Insufficient RAM ____________________________
System memory is too full to allow DOS inside FORMGEN II.
Error 322 - Insufficient RAM ____________________________
System memory is too full to hold the print module. Save the form,
exit to DOS (using [Alt][X]), and then print:
type:> FORM-PRT.EXE filename [Enter] ________
Errors 331 to 334 - Window Space _________________________________
There is not enough storage space left to allow the attempted window
WARNING MESSAGES ________________
Message 401 - Invalid Data Path _______________________________
You have defined a data path which does not currently exist. This is
usually a spelling error or an incorrect use of the \ in the data
FORMGEN II APPENDIX ______________________________________________________________________
Message 402 - File Not Found ____________________________
The file you are attempting to load cannot be located in the current
data path directory. Check your filename spelling, then the data path
configuration [Alt][P] to ensure that FormGen II is conversing with
the directory that contains the file in question.
Message 403 - Bad File Name ___________________________
You are attempting to use an illegal filename. This is most commonly
caused by punctuation symbols in a filename or a bad data path.
Message 411 - File exists. - Overwrite it? __________________________________________
FORMGEN II is trying to protect you from over writing an existing
file. If you are sure you wish to over write, then enter Y for yes.
If you wish to discontinue the save operation, press [Esc] or enter N
for no.
Message 412 - File has not been saved... ________________________________________
Your file has not been saved since changes have been made to the form.
Your options are to (1) enter N for no - don't abandon the form, Y for
yes - abandon the form.
Message 413 - File has not been saved... Abandon it? ____________________________________________________
Your file has not been saved since changes have been made to the form.
Your options are to (1) enter N for no - don't abandon the form, Y for
yes - abandon the form.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT _________________
For technical support, telephone (416) 857-0022. | |
(9am - 5pm Eastern Time Zone) | |
FORMGEN II INDEX ______________________________________________________________________
INDEX _____ Deleting a Text Window 23
Draw a form 1, 2
Add Text 2, 10 DRAW Double Line 5, 7, 27
Adding text 1, 10 DRAW Single Line 5, 7, 27
Addition 20 DRAW Thick Line 5, 7, 27
Area Fill 20, 24 Draw with character 8
Arrow characters 18, 19, 30 Duplicate Character 19, 27
Arrow keys 2, 8, 25, 33
ASCII files 14 Editing a Form 9
Auto .i.Border 18, 29 Editing a Text Window 23
Auto fill 20, 34 Editing Text 10
Auto line draw 8, 9, 28 Erase 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 27
EXIT 17, 36, 37
Block Copy 13, 32 Extract Block 34
Block Define 5, 6, 30, 33
Block definition 3, 13 File Names 14
Block Extract 19 Form Feed 16, 35
Block fill 20 FORM-PRT 1, 25
Block merge 20 FORM.EXE 1
Block move 14, 32
Block Operations 3, 10, 13, 19, Halftone screens 1, 19, 20, 21,
33, 36 22, 24, 31
Border 18, 29 Hardware 4, 21, 25
Bottom of Pad 26 Help 2, 4, 12, 36
Bottom of Screen 26 Horizontal Double Line 8, 28
Horizontal Single Line 8, 28
Call Operating System 17, 36
Calling DOS 17 Insert Column 9, 33
Carriage Return 25 Insert mode 4, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29
Center Function 31 Insert Row 9, 32
Center Marker 12, 31 Insert Space 29
Center text 3, 31
Check Circle 30 Landscape/.i.Portrait 35
Clear Pad 36 Left Edge of Pad 25
Clearing the Pad 15 Left justify 3
Column delete 32 Line Drawing 7, 18, 29
Configuration Module 15, 17, 37 Line Feed 16, 35
Copies 3, 16, 34, 35 Load a Form 3, 14
Copy Block 33 Load Form 15, 35
Copying Files 16
Cursor movement 2, 6 Measurement 6
Cursor position indicator 5, 30 Merge Block 34, 36
Merge File 34, 36
Data path 3, 15, 36 Merging Forms 20
Define a Block 13 Mouse 2, 6, 7, 20, 25
Define Block 33 Move Block 34
Definitions 1 Move Cursor 25, 32
Delete Block 34 Moving the Cursor 6, 23, 33, 34
Delete Character 29
Delete Column 10, 33 Overtype mode 4, 8, 9, 10, 20
Delete Row 10, 32
FORMGEN II INDEX ______________________________________________________________________
Port 17, 37
Portrait 16, 35
Print a Form 3
Print Form 16, 34
Print the form 3
Printing .i.Text Windows 24
Printing a Form 16
Proportional 21
Right Edge of Pad 26
Right justify 3
Save Form 15, 35
Saving a Form 15
Set Text Size 30
Status Line 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16,
27, 30, 31
Stretch mode 5, 8, 9, 10, 28, 33
Switch 4, 16, 25, 35
Syntax 4
TAB Left 25
TAB Right 25
Text & Travel 2, 5, 8, 10
Text Alignment 12
Text sizes 2, 11
Text windows 2, 3, 10, 16, 19, 20,
21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 35
Toggle 8, 16, 29, 33
Top of Pad 26
Top of Screen 26
Vertical Double Line 8, 28
Vertical lines 3, 7, 8, 28
Vertical Single Line 8, 28
Vertical Text 30
Vertical Typing Mode 5, 10, 11
Window marker 22, 23, 24
Window Memory 24
Word Left 26
Word Right 26